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FM Kanban Documentation

FM Kanban is a lean, visual workflow management tool used to organize, track, and improve work processes in facilities management. It is based on the Japanese Kanban system, which was originally developed by Toyota to optimize manufacturing processes. FM Kanban helps facilities managers visualize their work, limit work in progress, and identify and resolve bottlenecks in their processes. It uses a board with columns representing different stages of a process, and cards representing individual tasks that move through the stages as they are completed. This allows teams to see the status of every task at a glance, collaborate more effectively, and continuously improve their processes. FM Kanban is powered by FileMaker 21. It is free to use as part of you FileMaker systems.

FM Kanban is made up of a board and cards that go in the board.


FM Kanban can have an unlimited number to boards. Boards can represent projects or other groups of tasks. A board is a visual tool used to represent and manage the workflow of a team or process. It is typically divided into columns, each representing a different stage or status of the work items (such as “To Do,” “In Progress,” and “Done”).

Board Creation

On the main screen press the “New Board” button.

A popup appears. Give the new board a name and press (ok).

Board Management

Setting consists of 5 tabs. Users, Boards, Setting, Documentation, Changelog.







Individual work items are represented by cards, which are moved across the board as they progress through the stages. The Kanban board provides a clear, real-time overview of the work being done, highlights bottlenecks or issues, and helps the team focus on completing work items efficiently. It is a key component of the Kanban methodology, which emphasizes continuous improvement, limiting work in progress, and optimizing flow.

fm_kanban.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/21 10:38 by lshipley

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